High Arch Feet | An Overview on High Arched Feet

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High Arch Feet


High Arch Feet

The arch of your foot is the area between your heel and the ball of your foot that is slightly curved.

Some people have unusually high arches also known as cavus foot, which can cause a variety of issues ranging from minor foot problems to long-term structural alterations.

Keep reading to learn more about high arched foot causes, symptoms and how to get help.

What May Cause High Arch Feet

foot structure flat feet

High arches are a natural trait for some people.

On the other hand, high arches are an indication that underlying neurologic problem exists in other people, such as:

  • Polio
  • Stroke
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Charcot-marie-tooth disease
  • Spina bifida
  • Muscular dystrophy
  • Spinal cord tumors

Effects of High Arched Feet

higher arches

High arched foot do not cause symptoms in everyone, however they can develop as compressed bones fuse or misalign with age. If and when symptoms appear, they usually involve the following:

  • Metatarsalgia which is a condition that causes foot pain and cramping in the ball of the foot.
  • Twisting, tripping, and sprains caused by lateral ankle instability.
  • Claw toes (clenched toes) or hammertoes (bent toes)
  • Plantar fasciitis is a condition that causes inflammation of the tendon that runs between the toes and heels.
  • Pain in the knees, hips, and lower back

If the symptoms persist, ankle arthritis, stress fractures, shin splints, or Achilles tendonitis may develop.

People with diabetes should be given special attention since high foot pressure can lead to difficult-to-treat ulcers.

Symptoms of High Arched Feet

Symptoms of Cavus Foot include:

  • Calluses or corns on the heel, ball, or side of your foot.
  • Your heel tilts inward.
  • Finding comfortable shoes is difficult.
  • Foot pain is common when walking, standing, or playing sports.
  • When standing, your toes curl downward.

How To Tell If You Have A High Arch Foot

A simple way to tell if you have cavus feet at home is by wetting your entire foot and stepping on a large piece of paper.

A normal arch will show a wet imprint of the front, heel and side of the foot clearly. A high arched foot will show a slimmer imprint of the side of the foot. A very high arch might not even have an imprint in between the front and heel of the foot.

If you notice this, please seek professional help and proper diagnosis from foot and ankle surgeons at your local healthcare provider.

It may not turn out to be a serious issue, but it is still better to have a licensed professional check out your feet before future problems arise.

Treating High Arch Feet

If you have been diagnosed with high arched feet, one or more of the following nonsurgical treatments may be used:

Orthotic devices

Custom orthotics devices can fit into your shoes while providing support and cushioning to the foot.

You may be familiar with orthotics, also known as insoles, sold in malls. But did you know that those insoles are not prescribed by certified podiatrists?


In fact, that type of insoles may lead to more damage to your body, or you might pay an expensive price tag for devices that have inadequate  support.

If you need to get insoles, reputable podiatry clinics like Dr. Foot will be able to customise the perfect orthotics for you based on your health needs.

We will be able to determine exactly the right dimensions for an insole that can support your high arched foot.

Shoe modifications

High-topped shoes provide ankle support, whereas shoes with larger heels on the bottom increase stability.

Of course, you can wear any type of shoes you like, but some shoe designs might be more suitable for you than others. Our friendly podiatrist will be able to advise you on the best type of footwear for your high arch feet.

Night splints

Using this method while sleeping can stretch your arches and calf muscles. This is especially beneficial if you have plantar fasciitis due to high arches.


If non-surgical treatments are ineffective, cavus foot surgery may be suggested.

Your surgeon may change soft tissue (such as tendons) or remove bone from certain parts of the foot during this surgical procedure. Joint fusion may be required in extreme situations.

How Dr Foot Can Assist You


Dr Foot has professional foot and ankle specialist that can conduct a clinical examination in a comfortable environment for you.

​​​​​​​Contact us today for your curated treatment plan!

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